name | type | arguments | description |
key | string | Phaser.Types.Loader.FileTypes.VideoFileConfig |
The key to use for this file, or a file configuration object. |
url | string | Array.<string> | <optional> |
The absolute or relative URLs to load the video files from. |
loadEvent | string | <optional> |
The load event to listen for when not loading as a blob. Either 'loadeddata', 'canplay' or 'canplaythrough'. |
asBlob | boolean | <optional> |
Load the video as a data blob, or via the Video element? |
noAudio | boolean | <optional> |
Does the video have an audio track? If not you can enable auto-playing on it. |
xhrSettings | Phaser.Types.Loader.XHRSettingsObject | <optional> |
Extra XHR Settings specifically for this file. |