Phaser API Documentation

name type arguments Default description
targets object | Array.<object>

The object, or an array of objects, to run the tween on.

delay number <optional> 0

The number of milliseconds to delay before the tween will start.

duration number <optional> 1000

The duration of the tween in milliseconds.

ease string <optional> 'Power0'

The easing equation to use for the tween.

easeParams array <optional>

Optional easing parameters.

hold number <optional> 0

The number of milliseconds to hold the tween for before yoyo'ing.

repeat number <optional> 0

The number of times to repeat the tween.

repeatDelay number <optional> 0

The number of milliseconds to pause before a tween will repeat.

yoyo boolean <optional> false

Should the tween complete, then reverse the values incrementally to get back to the starting tween values? The reverse tweening will also take duration milliseconds to complete.

flipX boolean <optional> false

Horizontally flip the target of the Tween when it completes (before it yoyos, if set to do so). Only works for targets that support the flipX property.

flipY boolean <optional> false

Vertically flip the target of the Tween when it completes (before it yoyos, if set to do so). Only works for targets that support the flipY property.

persist boolean <optional> false

Retain the tween within the Tween Manager, even after playback completes?

interpolation function <optional> null

The interpolation function to use for array-based tween values.

Since: 3.0.0