Phaser API Documentation

name type arguments description
value number | Array.<number> | string | Phaser.Types.Tweens.GetEndCallback | Phaser.Types.Tweens.TweenPropConfig <optional>

What the property will be at the END of the Tween.

getActive Phaser.Types.Tweens.GetActiveCallback <optional>

What the property will be set to immediately when this tween becomes active.

getEnd Phaser.Types.Tweens.GetEndCallback <optional>

What the property will be at the END of the Tween.

getStart Phaser.Types.Tweens.GetStartCallback <optional>

What the property will be at the START of the Tween.

ease string | function <optional>

The ease function this tween uses.

delay number <optional>

Time in milliseconds before tween will start.

duration number <optional>

Duration of the tween in milliseconds.

yoyo boolean <optional>

Determines whether the tween should return back to its start value after hold has expired.

hold number <optional>

Time in milliseconds the tween will pause before repeating or returning to its starting value if yoyo is set to true.

repeat number <optional>

Number of times to repeat the tween. The tween will always run once regardless, so a repeat value of '1' will play the tween twice.

repeatDelay number <optional>

Time in milliseconds before the repeat will start.

flipX boolean <optional>

Should toggleFlipX be called when yoyo or repeat happens?

flipY boolean <optional>

Should toggleFlipY be called when yoyo or repeat happens?

interpolation string | function <optional>

The interpolation function to use if the value given is an array of numbers.

Since: 3.18.0