Phaser API Documentation

name type arguments description
id number <optional>

A unique Object ID to convert.

gid number <optional>

An Object GID to convert.

name string <optional>

An Object Name to convert.

type string <optional>

An Object Type to convert.

classType function <optional>

A custom class type to convert the objects in to. The default is Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite. A custom class should resemble Sprite or Image; see Phaser.Types.Tilemaps.CreateFromObjectsClassTypeConstructor.

ignoreTileset boolean <optional>

By default, gid-based objects copy properties and respect the type of the tile at that gid and treat the object as an override. If this is true, they don't, and use only the fields set on the object itself.

scene Phaser.Scene <optional>

A Scene reference, passed to the Game Objects constructors.

container Phaser.GameObjects.Container <optional>

Optional Container to which the Game Objects are added.

key string | Phaser.Textures.Texture <optional>

Optional key of a Texture to be used, as stored in the Texture Manager, or a Texture instance. If omitted, the object's gid's tileset key is used if available.

frame string | number <optional>

Optional name or index of the frame within the Texture. If omitted, the tileset index is used, assuming that spritesheet frames exactly match tileset indices & geometries -- if available.
