Phaser API Documentation

name type arguments Default description
name string <optional>

The name of the layer, if specified in Tiled.

x number <optional> 0

The x offset of where to draw from the top left.

y number <optional> 0

The y offset of where to draw from the top left.

width number <optional> 0

The width of the layer in tiles.

height number <optional> 0

The height of the layer in tiles.

tileWidth number <optional> 0

The pixel width of the tiles.

tileHeight number <optional> 0

The pixel height of the tiles.

baseTileWidth number <optional> 0

The base tile width.

baseTileHeight number <optional> 0

The base tile height.

widthInPixels number <optional> 0

The width in pixels of the entire layer.

heightInPixels number <optional> 0

The height in pixels of the entire layer.

alpha number <optional> 1

The alpha value of the layer.

visible boolean <optional> true

Is the layer visible or not?

properties Array.<object> <optional>

Layer specific properties (can be specified in Tiled)

indexes array <optional>

Tile ID index map.

collideIndexes array <optional>

Tile Collision ID index map.

callbacks array <optional>

An array of callbacks.

bodies array <optional>

An array of physics bodies.

data array <optional>

An array of the tile data indexes.

tilemapLayer Phaser.Tilemaps.TilemapLayer <optional>

A reference to the Tilemap layer that owns this data.

Since: 3.0.0