Phaser API Documentation

name type description
gameObject Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject

The Game Object to which this Interactive Object is bound.

enabled boolean

Is this Interactive Object currently enabled for input events?

alwaysEnabled boolean

An Interactive Object that is 'always enabled' will receive input even if the parent object is invisible or won't render.

draggable boolean

Is this Interactive Object draggable? Enable with InputPlugin.setDraggable.

dropZone boolean

Is this Interactive Object a drag-targets drop zone? Set when the object is created.

cursor boolean | string

Should this Interactive Object change the cursor (via css) when over? (desktop only)

target Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject

An optional drop target for a draggable Interactive Object.

camera Phaser.Cameras.Scene2D.Camera

The most recent Camera to be tested against this Interactive Object.

hitArea any

The hit area for this Interactive Object. Typically a geometry shape, like a Rectangle or Circle.

hitAreaCallback Phaser.Types.Input.HitAreaCallback

The 'contains' check callback that the hit area shape will use for all hit tests.

hitAreaDebug Phaser.GameObjects.Shape

If this Interactive Object has been enabled for debug, via InputPlugin.enableDebug then this property holds its debug shape.

customHitArea boolean

Was the hitArea for this Interactive Object created based on texture size (false), or a custom shape? (true)

localX number

The x coordinate that the Pointer interacted with this object on, relative to the Game Object's top-left position.

localY number

The y coordinate that the Pointer interacted with this object on, relative to the Game Object's top-left position.

dragState | 1 | 2

The current drag state of this Interactive Object. 0 = Not being dragged, 1 = being checked for drag, or 2 = being actively dragged.

dragStartX number

The x coordinate of the Game Object that owns this Interactive Object when the drag started.

dragStartY number

The y coordinate of the Game Object that owns this Interactive Object when the drag started.

dragStartXGlobal number

The x coordinate that the Pointer started dragging this Interactive Object from.

dragStartYGlobal number

The y coordinate that the Pointer started dragging this Interactive Object from.

dragX number

The x coordinate that this Interactive Object is currently being dragged to.

dragY number

The y coordinate that this Interactive Object is currently being dragged to.

Since: 3.0.0