Phaser API Documentation

Namespace: Matter

Type Definitions

name type arguments Default description
label string <optional> 'Body'

An arbitrary string-based name to help identify this body.

shape string | Phaser.Types.Physics.Matter.MatterSetBodyConfig <optional> null

Set this Game Object to create and use a new Body based on the configuration object given.

parts Array.<MatterJS.BodyType> <optional>

An array of bodies that make up this body. The first body in the array must always be a self reference to the current body instance. All bodies in the parts array together form a single rigid compound body.

plugin any <optional>

An object reserved for storing plugin-specific properties.

wrapBounds any <optional>

An object for storing wrap boundaries.

angle number <optional> 0

A number specifying the angle of the body, in radians.

vertices Array.<Phaser.Types.Math.Vector2Like> <optional> null

An array of Vector objects that specify the convex hull of the rigid body. These should be provided about the origin (0, 0).

position Phaser.Types.Math.Vector2Like <optional>

A Vector that specifies the current world-space position of the body.

force Phaser.Types.Math.Vector2Like <optional>

A Vector that specifies the force to apply in the current step. It is zeroed after every Body.update. See also Body.applyForce.

torque number <optional> 0

A Number that specifies the torque (turning force) to apply in the current step. It is zeroed after every Body.update.

isSensor boolean <optional> false

A flag that indicates whether a body is a sensor. Sensor triggers collision events, but doesn't react with colliding body physically.

isStatic boolean <optional> false

A flag that indicates whether a body is considered static. A static body can never change position or angle and is completely fixed.

sleepThreshold number <optional> 60

A Number that defines the number of updates in which this body must have near-zero velocity before it is set as sleeping by the Matter.Sleeping module (if sleeping is enabled by the engine).

density number <optional> 0.001

A Number that defines the density of the body, that is its mass per unit area. If you pass the density via Body.create the mass property is automatically calculated for you based on the size (area) of the object. This is generally preferable to simply setting mass and allows for more intuitive definition of materials (e.g. rock has a higher density than wood).

restitution number <optional> 0

A Number that defines the restitution (elasticity) of the body. The value is always positive and is in the range (0, 1).

friction number <optional> 0.1

A Number that defines the friction of the body. The value is always positive and is in the range (0, 1). A value of 0 means that the body may slide indefinitely. A value of 1 means the body may come to a stop almost instantly after a force is applied.

frictionStatic number <optional> 0.5

A Number that defines the static friction of the body (in the Coulomb friction model). A value of 0 means the body will never 'stick' when it is nearly stationary and only dynamic friction is used. The higher the value (e.g. 10), the more force it will take to initially get the body moving when nearly stationary. This value is multiplied with the friction property to make it easier to change friction and maintain an appropriate amount of static friction.

frictionAir number <optional> 0.01

A Number that defines the air friction of the body (air resistance). A value of 0 means the body will never slow as it moves through space. The higher the value, the faster a body slows when moving through space.

collisionFilter Phaser.Types.Physics.Matter.MatterCollisionFilter <optional>

An Object that specifies the collision filtering properties of this body.

slop number <optional> 0.05

A Number that specifies a tolerance on how far a body is allowed to 'sink' or rotate into other bodies. Avoid changing this value unless you understand the purpose of slop in physics engines. The default should generally suffice, although very large bodies may require larger values for stable stacking.

timeScale number <optional> 1

A Number that allows per-body time scaling, e.g. a force-field where bodies inside are in slow-motion, while others are at full speed.

chamfer number | Array.<number> | Phaser.Types.Physics.Matter.MatterChamferConfig <optional> null

A number, or array of numbers, to chamfer the vertices of the body, or a full Chamfer configuration object.

circleRadius number <optional> 0

The radius of this body if a circle.

mass number <optional> 0

A Number that defines the mass of the body, although it may be more appropriate to specify the density property instead. If you modify this value, you must also modify the body.inverseMass property (1 / mass).

inverseMass number <optional> 0

A Number that defines the inverse mass of the body (1 / mass). If you modify this value, you must also modify the body.mass property.

scale Phaser.Types.Math.Vector2Like <optional>

A Vector that specifies the initial scale of the body.

gravityScale Phaser.Types.Math.Vector2Like <optional>

A Vector that scales the influence of World gravity when applied to this body.

ignoreGravity boolean <optional> false

A boolean that toggles if this body should ignore world gravity or not.

ignorePointer boolean <optional> false

A boolean that toggles if this body should ignore pointer / mouse constraints or not.

render Phaser.Types.Physics.Matter.MatterBodyRenderConfig <optional>

The Debug Render configuration object for this body.

onCollideCallback function <optional>

A callback that is invoked when this Body starts colliding with any other Body. You can register callbacks by providing a function of type ( pair: Matter.Pair) => void.

onCollideEndCallback function <optional>

A callback that is invoked when this Body stops colliding with any other Body. You can register callbacks by providing a function of type ( pair: Matter.Pair) => void.

onCollideActiveCallback function <optional>

A callback that is invoked for the duration that this Body is colliding with any other Body. You can register callbacks by providing a function of type ( pair: Matter.Pair) => void.

onCollideWith any <optional>

A collision callback dictionary used by the Body.setOnCollideWith function.

name type arguments Default description
visible boolean <optional> true

Should this body be rendered by the Debug Renderer?

opacity number <optional> 1

The opacity of the body and all parts within it.

fillColor number <optional>

The color value of the fill when rendering this body.

fillOpacity number <optional>

The opacity of the fill when rendering this body, a value between 0 and 1.

lineColor number <optional>

The color value of the line stroke when rendering this body.

lineOpacity number <optional>

The opacity of the line when rendering this body, a value between 0 and 1.

lineThickness number <optional>

If rendering lines, the thickness of the line.

sprite object <optional>

Controls the offset between the body and the parent Game Object, if it has one.

sprite.xOffset number <optional> 0

The horizontal offset between the body and the parent Game Object texture, if it has one.

sprite.yOffset number <optional> 0

The vertical offset between the body and the parent Game Object texture, if it has one.

name type arguments Default description
isStatic boolean <optional> true

Whether or not the newly created body should be made static. This defaults to true since typically tiles should not be moved.

addToWorld boolean <optional> true

Whether or not to add the newly created body (or existing body if options.body is used) to the Matter world.

name type arguments Default description
radius number | Array.<number> <optional> 8

A single number, or an array, to specify the radius for each vertex.

quality number <optional> -1

The quality of the chamfering. -1 means 'auto'.

qualityMin number <optional> 2

The minimum quality of the chamfering. The higher this value, the more vertices are created.

qualityMax number <optional> 14

The maximum quality of the chamfering. The higher this value, the more vertices are created.

name type description
collided boolean

Have the pair collided or not?

bodyA MatterJS.BodyType

A reference to the first body involved in the collision.

bodyB MatterJS.BodyType

A reference to the second body involved in the collision.

axisBody MatterJS.BodyType

A reference to the dominant axis body.

axisNumber number

The index of the dominant collision axis vector (edge normal)

depth number

The depth of the collision on the minimum overlap.

parentA MatterJS.BodyType

A reference to the parent of Body A, or to Body A itself if it has no parent.

parentB MatterJS.BodyType

A reference to the parent of Body B, or to Body B itself if it has no parent.

normal MatterJS.Vector

The collision normal, facing away from Body A.

tangent MatterJS.Vector

The tangent of the collision normal.

penetration MatterJS.Vector

The penetration distances between the two bodies.

supports Array.<MatterJS.Vector>

An array of support points, either exactly one or two points.

inverseMass number

The resulting inverse mass from the collision.

friction number

The resulting friction from the collision.

frictionStatic number

The resulting static friction from the collision.

restitution number

The resulting restitution from the collision.

slop number

The resulting slop from the collision.



An Object that specifies the collision filtering properties of this body.

Collisions between two bodies will obey the following rules:

  • If the two bodies have the same non-zero value of, they will always collide if the value is positive, and they will never collide if the value is negative.
  • If the two bodies have different values of or if one (or both) of the bodies has a value of 0, then the category/mask rules apply as follows:

Each body belongs to a collision category, given by collisionFilter.category. This value is used as a bit field and the category should have only one bit set, meaning that the value of this property is a power of two in the range [1, 2^31]. Thus, there are 32 different collision categories available.

Each body also defines a collision bitmask, given by collisionFilter.mask which specifies the categories it collides with (the value is the bitwise AND value of all these categories).

Using the category/mask rules, two bodies A and B collide if each includes the other's category in its mask, i.e. (categoryA & maskB) !== 0 and (categoryB & maskA) !== 0 are both true.

name type arguments Default description
category number <optional> 0x0001

A bit field that specifies the collision category this body belongs to. The category value should have only one bit set, for example 0x0001. This means there are up to 32 unique collision categories available.

mask number <optional> 0xFFFFFFFF

A bit mask that specifies the collision categories this body may collide with.

group number <optional> 0

An Integer Number, that specifies the collision group this body belongs to.

name type description
id string

The unique auto-generated collision pair id. A combination of the body A and B IDs.

bodyA MatterJS.BodyType

A reference to the first body involved in the collision.

bodyB MatterJS.BodyType

A reference to the second body involved in the collision.

contacts Array.<MatterJS.Vector>

An array containing all of the active contacts between bodies A and B.

separation number

The amount of separation that occurred between bodies A and B.

isActive boolean

Is the collision still active or not?

confirmedActive boolean

Has Matter determined the collision are being active yet?

isSensor boolean

Is either body A or B a sensor?

timeCreated number

The timestamp when the collision pair was created.

timeUpdated number

The timestamp when the collision pair was most recently updated.

collision Phaser.Types.Physics.Matter.MatterCollisionData

The collision data object.

inverseMass number

The resulting inverse mass from the collision.

friction number

The resulting friction from the collision.

frictionStatic number

The resulting static friction from the collision.

restitution number

The resulting restitution from the collision.

slop number

The resulting slop from the collision.

name type arguments Default description
label string <optional> 'Constraint'

An arbitrary string-based name to help identify this constraint.

bodyA MatterJS.BodyType <optional>

The first possible Body that this constraint is attached to.

bodyB MatterJS.BodyType <optional>

The second possible Body that this constraint is attached to.

pointA Phaser.Types.Math.Vector2Like <optional>

A Vector that specifies the offset of the constraint from center of the constraint.bodyA if defined, otherwise a world-space position.

pointB Phaser.Types.Math.Vector2Like <optional>

A Vector that specifies the offset of the constraint from center of the constraint.bodyB if defined, otherwise a world-space position.

stiffness number <optional> 1

A Number that specifies the stiffness of the constraint, i.e. the rate at which it returns to its resting constraint.length. A value of 1 means the constraint should be very stiff. A value of 0.2 means the constraint acts like a soft spring.

angularStiffness number <optional> 0

A Number that specifies the angular stiffness of the constraint.

angleA number <optional> 0

The angleA of the constraint. If bodyA is set, the angle of bodyA is used instead.

angleB number <optional> 0

The angleB of the constraint. If bodyB is set, the angle of bodyB is used instead.

damping number <optional> 0

A Number that specifies the damping of the constraint, i.e. the amount of resistance applied to each body based on their velocities to limit the amount of oscillation. Damping will only be apparent when the constraint also has a very low stiffness. A value of 0.1 means the constraint will apply heavy damping, resulting in little to no oscillation. A value of 0 means the constraint will apply no damping.

length number <optional>

A Number that specifies the target resting length of the constraint. It is calculated automatically in Constraint.create from initial positions of the constraint.bodyA and constraint.bodyB.

plugin any <optional>

An object reserved for storing plugin-specific properties.

render Phaser.Types.Physics.Matter.MatterConstraintRenderConfig <optional>

The Debug Render configuration object for this constraint.

name type arguments Default description
visible boolean <optional> true

Should this constraint be rendered by the Debug Renderer?

anchors boolean <optional> true

If this constraint has anchors, should they be rendered? Pin constraints never have anchors.

lineColor number <optional>

The color value of the line stroke when rendering this constraint.

lineOpacity number <optional>

The opacity of the line when rendering this constraint, a value between 0 and 1.

lineThickness number <optional>

If rendering lines, the thickness of the line.

pinSize number <optional> 4

The size of the circles drawn when rendering pin constraints.

anchorSize number <optional> 4

The size of the circles drawn as the constraint anchors.

anchorColor number <optional> 0xefefef

The color value of constraint anchors.

name type arguments Default description
showAxes boolean <optional> false

Render all of the body axes?

showAngleIndicator boolean <optional> false

Render just a single body axis?

angleColor number <optional> 0xe81153

The color of the body angle / axes lines.

showBroadphase boolean <optional> false

Render the broadphase grid?

broadphaseColor number <optional> 0xffb400

The color of the broadphase grid.

showBounds boolean <optional> false

Render the bounds of the bodies in the world?

boundsColor number <optional> 0xffffff

The color of the body bounds.

showVelocity boolean <optional> false

Render the velocity of the bodies in the world?

velocityColor number <optional> 0x00aeef

The color of the body velocity line.

showCollisions boolean <optional> false

Render the collision points and normals for colliding pairs.

collisionColor number <optional> 0xf5950c

The color of the collision points.

showSeparation boolean <optional> false

Render lines showing the separation between bodies.

separationColor number <optional> 0xffa500

The color of the body separation line.

showBody boolean <optional> true

Render the dynamic bodies in the world to the Graphics object?

showStaticBody boolean <optional> true

Render the static bodies in the world to the Graphics object?

showInternalEdges boolean <optional> false

When rendering bodies, render the internal edges as well?

renderFill boolean <optional> false

Render the bodies using a fill color.

renderLine boolean <optional> true

Render the bodies using a line stroke.

fillColor number <optional> 0x106909

The color value of the fill when rendering dynamic bodies.

fillOpacity number <optional> 1

The opacity of the fill when rendering dynamic bodies, a value between 0 and 1.

lineColor number <optional> 0x28de19

The color value of the line stroke when rendering dynamic bodies.

lineOpacity number <optional> 1

The opacity of the line when rendering dynamic bodies, a value between 0 and 1.

lineThickness number <optional> 1

If rendering lines, the thickness of the line.

staticFillColor number <optional> 0x0d177b

The color value of the fill when rendering static bodies.

staticLineColor number <optional> 0x1327e4

The color value of the line stroke when rendering static bodies.

showSleeping boolean <optional> false

Render any sleeping bodies (dynamic or static) in the world to the Graphics object?

staticBodySleepOpacity number <optional> 0.7

The amount to multiply the opacity of sleeping static bodies by.

sleepFillColor number <optional> 0x464646

The color value of the fill when rendering sleeping dynamic bodies.

sleepLineColor number <optional> 0x999a99

The color value of the line stroke when rendering sleeping dynamic bodies.

showSensors boolean <optional> true

Render bodies or body parts that are flagged as being a sensor?

sensorFillColor number <optional> 0x0d177b

The fill color when rendering body sensors.

sensorLineColor number <optional> 0x1327e4

The line color when rendering body sensors.

showPositions boolean <optional> true

Render the position of non-static bodies?

positionSize number <optional> 4

The size of the rectangle drawn when rendering the body position.

positionColor number <optional> 0xe042da

The color value of the rectangle drawn when rendering the body position.

showJoint boolean <optional> true

Render all world constraints to the Graphics object?

jointColor number <optional> 0xe0e042

The color value of joints when showJoint is set.

jointLineOpacity number <optional> 1

The line opacity when rendering joints, a value between 0 and 1.

jointLineThickness number <optional> 2

The line thickness when rendering joints.

pinSize number <optional> 4

The size of the circles drawn when rendering pin constraints.

pinColor number <optional> 0x42e0e0

The color value of the circles drawn when rendering pin constraints.

springColor number <optional> 0xe042e0

The color value of spring constraints.

anchorColor number <optional> 0xefefef

The color value of constraint anchors.

anchorSize number <optional> 4

The size of the circles drawn as the constraint anchors.

showConvexHulls boolean <optional> false

When rendering polygon bodies, render the convex hull as well?

hullColor number <optional> 0xd703d0

The color value of hulls when showConvexHulls is set.

name type arguments Default description
isFixed boolean <optional> false

A boolean that specifies if the runner should use a fixed timestep (otherwise it is variable). If timing is fixed, then the apparent simulation speed will change depending on the frame rate (but behaviour will be deterministic). If the timing is variable, then the apparent simulation speed will be constant (approximately, but at the cost of determininism).

fps number <optional> 60

A number that specifies the frame rate in seconds. If you don't specify this, but do specify delta, those values set the fps rate.

correction number <optional> 1

A number that specifies the time correction factor to apply to the update. This can help improve the accuracy of the simulation in cases where delta is changing between updates.

deltaSampleSize number <optional> 60

The size of the delta smoothing array when isFixed is false.

delta number <optional> 16.666

A number that specifies the time step between updates in milliseconds. If you set the fps property, this value is set based on that. If isFixed is set to true, then delta is fixed. If it is false, then delta can dynamically change to maintain the correct apparent simulation speed.

deltaMin number <optional> 16.666

A number that specifies the minimum time step between updates in milliseconds.

deltaMax number <optional> 33.333

A number that specifies the maximum time step between updates in milliseconds.

name type arguments Default description
type string <optional> 'rectangle'

The shape type. Either rectangle, circle, trapezoid, polygon, fromVertices, fromVerts or fromPhysicsEditor.

x number <optional>

The horizontal world position to place the body at.

y number <optional>

The vertical world position to place the body at.

width number <optional>

The width of the body.

height number <optional>

The height of the body.

radius number <optional>

The radius of the body. Used by circle and polygon shapes.

maxSides number <optional> 25

The max sizes of the body. Used by the circle shape.

slope number <optional> 0.5

Used by the trapezoid shape. The slope of the trapezoid. 0 creates a rectangle, while 1 creates a triangle. Positive values make the top side shorter, while negative values make the bottom side shorter.

sides number <optional> 5

Used by the polygon shape. The number of sides the polygon will have.

verts string | array <optional>

Used by the fromVerts shape. The vertices data. Either a path string or an array of vertices.

flagInternal boolean <optional> false

Used by the fromVerts shape. Flag internal edges (coincident part edges)

removeCollinear number <optional> 0.01

Used by the fromVerts shape. Whether Matter.js will discard collinear edges (to improve performance).

minimumArea number <optional> 10

Used by the fromVerts shape. During decomposition discard parts that have an area less than this.

addToWorld boolean <optional> true

Should the new body be automatically added to the world?

name type arguments Default description
body MatterJS.BodyType <optional> null

An existing Matter body to be used instead of creating a new one.

isStatic boolean <optional> true

Whether or not the newly created body should be made static. This defaults to true since typically tiles should not be moved.

addToWorld boolean <optional> true

Whether or not to add the newly created body (or existing body if options.body is used) to the Matter world.

name type arguments Default description
left MatterJS.BodyType <optional> null

The left wall for the Matter World.

right MatterJS.BodyType <optional> null

The right wall for the Matter World.

top MatterJS.BodyType <optional> null

The top wall for the Matter World.

bottom MatterJS.BodyType <optional> null

The bottom wall for the Matter World.

Since: 3.0.0
name type arguments Default description
gravity Phaser.Types.Math.Vector2Like <optional>

Sets Phaser.Physics.Matter.World#gravity.

setBounds object | boolean <optional>

Should the world have bounds enabled by default?

setBounds.x number <optional> 0

The x coordinate of the world bounds.

setBounds.y number <optional> 0

The y coordinate of the world bounds.

setBounds.width number <optional>

The width of the world bounds.

setBounds.height number <optional>

The height of the world bounds.

setBounds.thickness number <optional> 64

The thickness of the walls of the world bounds.

setBounds.left boolean <optional> true

Should the left-side world bounds wall be created?

setBounds.right boolean <optional> true

Should the right-side world bounds wall be created? boolean <optional> true

Should the top world bounds wall be created?

setBounds.bottom boolean <optional> true

Should the bottom world bounds wall be created?

positionIterations number <optional> 6

The number of position iterations to perform each update. The higher the value, the higher quality the simulation will be at the expense of performance.

velocityIterations number <optional> 4

The number of velocity iterations to perform each update. The higher the value, the higher quality the simulation will be at the expense of performance.

constraintIterations number <optional> 2

The number of constraint iterations to perform each update. The higher the value, the higher quality the simulation will be at the expense of performance.

enableSleeping boolean <optional> false

A flag that specifies whether the engine should allow sleeping via the Matter.Sleeping module. Sleeping can improve stability and performance, but often at the expense of accuracy.

timing.timestamp number <optional> 0

A Number that specifies the current simulation-time in milliseconds starting from 0. It is incremented on every Engine.update by the given delta argument.

timing.timeScale number <optional> 1

A Number that specifies the global scaling factor of time for all bodies. A value of 0 freezes the simulation. A value of 0.1 gives a slow-motion effect. A value of 1.2 gives a speed-up effect.

enabled boolean <optional> true

Toggles if the world is enabled or not.

correction number <optional> 1

An optional Number that specifies the time correction factor to apply to the update.

getDelta function <optional>

This function is called every time the core game loop steps, which is bound to the Request Animation Frame frequency unless otherwise modified.

autoUpdate boolean <optional> true

Automatically call Engine.update every time the game steps.

restingThresh number <optional> 4

Sets the Resolver resting threshold property.

restingThreshTangent number <optional> 6

Sets the Resolver resting threshold tangent property.

positionDampen number <optional> 0.9

Sets the Resolver position dampen property.

positionWarming number <optional> 0.8

Sets the Resolver position warming property.

frictionNormalMultiplier number <optional> 5

Sets the Resolver friction normal multiplier property.

debug boolean | Phaser.Types.Physics.Matter.MatterDebugConfig <optional> false

Controls the Matter Debug Rendering options. If a boolean it will use the default values, otherwise, specify a Debug Config object.

runner Phaser.Types.Physics.Matter.MatterRunnerConfig <optional>

Sets the Matter Runner options.
