Phaser API Documentation

setTileLocationCallback(tileX, tileY, width, height, callback, [callbackContext], [layer])


Sets a collision callback for the given rectangular area (in tile coordinates) within the layer. If a callback is already set for the tile index it will be replaced. Set the callback to null to remove it.

If no layer is specified, the maps current layer is used.


name type arguments description
tileX number

The left most tile index (in tile coordinates) to use as the origin of the area.

tileY number

The top most tile index (in tile coordinates) to use as the origin of the area.

width number

How many tiles wide from the tileX index the area will be.

height number

How many tiles tall from the tileY index the area will be.

callback function

The callback that will be invoked when the tile is collided with.

callbackContext object <optional>

The context under which the callback is called.

layer string | number | Phaser.Tilemaps.TilemapLayer <optional>

The tile layer to use. If not given the current layer is used.


Return this Tilemap object, or null if the layer given was invalid.

Since: 3.0.0
Source: src/tilemaps/Tilemap.js (Line 2270)