Phaser API Documentation


Member of: Phaser.Actions

<static> SetBlendMode(items, value, [index], [direction])


Takes an array of Game Objects, or any objects that have the public property blendMode and then sets it to the given value.

To use this with a Group: SetBlendMode(group.getChildren(), value)


name type arguments Default description
items array | Array.<Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject>

The array of items to be updated by this action.

value string | number | Phaser.BlendModes

The Blend Mode to be set.

index number <optional> 0

An optional offset to start searching from within the items array.

direction number <optional> 1

The direction to iterate through the array. 1 is from beginning to end, -1 from end to beginning.


The array of objects that were passed to this Action.

Since: 3.0.0