Phaser API Documentation

postPipelineClasses: Phaser.Structs.Map.<string, Class>


This map stores all Post FX Pipeline classes available in this manager.

As of v3.60 this is now populated by default with the following Post FX Pipelines:

  • Barrel
  • Bloom
  • Blur
  • Bokeh / TiltShift
  • Circle
  • ColorMatrix
  • Displacement
  • Glow
  • Gradient
  • Pixelate
  • Shadow
  • Shine
  • Vignette
  • Wipe

These are added as part of the boot process.

If you do not wish to add them, specify disableFX: true in your game config.

See the FX Controller class for more details about each FX.

Phaser.Structs.Map.<string, Class>
Since: 3.50.0