Phaser API Documentation


Member of: Phaser.Types.Tweens

name type arguments Default description
target any

The target to tween.

index number

The target index within the Tween targets array.

key string

The property of the target being tweened.

duration number <optional> 0

Duration of the tween in milliseconds, excludes time for yoyo or repeats.

totalDuration number <optional> 0

The total calculated duration of this TweenData (based on duration, repeat, delay and yoyo)

delay number <optional> 0

Time in milliseconds before tween will start.

hold number <optional> 0

Time in milliseconds the tween will pause before running the yoyo or starting a repeat.

repeat number <optional> 0

Number of times to repeat the tween. The tween will always run once regardless, so a repeat value of '1' will play the tween twice.

repeatDelay number <optional> 0

Time in milliseconds before the repeat will start.

flipX boolean <optional> false

Automatically call toggleFlipX when the TweenData yoyos or repeats

flipY boolean <optional> false

Automatically call toggleFlipY when the TweenData yoyos or repeats

progress number <optional> 0

Between 0 and 1 showing completion of this TweenData.

elapsed number <optional> 0

Delta counter

repeatCounter number <optional> 0

How many repeats are left to run?

gen Phaser.Types.Tweens.TweenDataGenConfig <optional>

LoadValue generation functions.

state Phaser.Tweens.StateType <optional> 0


Since: 3.60.0