Phaser API Documentation

name type arguments Default description
gravity Phaser.Types.Math.Vector2Like <optional>

Sets Phaser.Physics.Matter.World#gravity.

setBounds object | boolean <optional>

Should the world have bounds enabled by default?

setBounds.x number <optional> 0

The x coordinate of the world bounds.

setBounds.y number <optional> 0

The y coordinate of the world bounds.

setBounds.width number <optional>

The width of the world bounds.

setBounds.height number <optional>

The height of the world bounds.

setBounds.thickness number <optional> 64

The thickness of the walls of the world bounds.

setBounds.left boolean <optional> true

Should the left-side world bounds wall be created?

setBounds.right boolean <optional> true

Should the right-side world bounds wall be created? boolean <optional> true

Should the top world bounds wall be created?

setBounds.bottom boolean <optional> true

Should the bottom world bounds wall be created?

positionIterations number <optional> 6

The number of position iterations to perform each update. The higher the value, the higher quality the simulation will be at the expense of performance.

velocityIterations number <optional> 4

The number of velocity iterations to perform each update. The higher the value, the higher quality the simulation will be at the expense of performance.

constraintIterations number <optional> 2

The number of constraint iterations to perform each update. The higher the value, the higher quality the simulation will be at the expense of performance.

enableSleeping boolean <optional> false

A flag that specifies whether the engine should allow sleeping via the Matter.Sleeping module. Sleeping can improve stability and performance, but often at the expense of accuracy.

timing.timestamp number <optional> 0

A Number that specifies the current simulation-time in milliseconds starting from 0. It is incremented on every Engine.update by the given delta argument.

timing.timeScale number <optional> 1

A Number that specifies the global scaling factor of time for all bodies. A value of 0 freezes the simulation. A value of 0.1 gives a slow-motion effect. A value of 1.2 gives a speed-up effect.

plugins.attractors boolean <optional> false

Should the Matter Attractor Plugin be enabled? An attractors plugin that makes it easy to apply continual forces on bodies. It's possible to simulate effects such as wind, gravity and magnetism.

plugins.wrap boolean <optional> false

Should the Matter Wrap Plugin be enabled? A coordinate wrapping plugin that automatically wraps the position of bodies such that they always stay within the given bounds. Upon crossing a boundary the body will appear on the opposite side of the bounds, while maintaining its velocity.

plugins.collisionevents boolean <optional> true

Should the Matter Collision Events Plugin be enabled?

enabled boolean <optional> true

Toggles if the world is enabled or not.

correction number <optional> 1

An optional Number that specifies the time correction factor to apply to the update.

getDelta function <optional>

This function is called every time the core game loop steps, which is bound to the Request Animation Frame frequency unless otherwise modified.

autoUpdate boolean <optional> true

Automatically call Engine.update every time the game steps.

restingThresh number <optional> 4

Sets the Resolver resting threshold property.

restingThreshTangent number <optional> 6

Sets the Resolver resting threshold tangent property.

positionDampen number <optional> 0.9

Sets the Resolver position dampen property.

positionWarming number <optional> 0.8

Sets the Resolver position warming property.

frictionNormalMultiplier number <optional> 5

Sets the Resolver friction normal multiplier property.

debug boolean | Phaser.Types.Physics.Matter.MatterDebugConfig <optional> false

Controls the Matter Debug Rendering options. If a boolean it will use the default values, otherwise, specify a Debug Config object.

runner Phaser.Types.Physics.Matter.MatterRunnerConfig <optional>

Sets the Matter Runner options.
