Phaser API Documentation

name type arguments description
ETC string | Phaser.Types.Loader.FileTypes.CompressedTextureFileEntry <optional>

The string, or file entry object, for an ETC format texture.

ETC1 string | Phaser.Types.Loader.FileTypes.CompressedTextureFileEntry <optional>

The string, or file entry object, for an ETC1 format texture.

ATC string | Phaser.Types.Loader.FileTypes.CompressedTextureFileEntry <optional>

The string, or file entry object, for an ATC format texture.

ASTC string | Phaser.Types.Loader.FileTypes.CompressedTextureFileEntry <optional>

The string, or file entry object, for an ASTC format texture.

BPTC string | Phaser.Types.Loader.FileTypes.CompressedTextureFileEntry <optional>

The string, or file entry object, for an BPTC format texture.

RGTC string | Phaser.Types.Loader.FileTypes.CompressedTextureFileEntry <optional>

The string, or file entry object, for an RGTC format texture.

PVRTC string | Phaser.Types.Loader.FileTypes.CompressedTextureFileEntry <optional>

The string, or file entry object, for an PVRTC format texture.

S3TC string | Phaser.Types.Loader.FileTypes.CompressedTextureFileEntry <optional>

The string, or file entry object, for an S3TC format texture.

S3TCRGB string | Phaser.Types.Loader.FileTypes.CompressedTextureFileEntry <optional>

The string, or file entry object, for an S3TCRGB format texture.

IMG string | Phaser.Types.Loader.FileTypes.CompressedTextureFileEntry <optional>

The string, or file entry object, for the fallback image file.
