Phaser API Documentation

update(time, delta)


Called automatically by the Scene update step.

Iterates through all of the Timeline Events and checks to see if they should be run.

If they should be run, then the TimelineEvent.action callback is invoked.

If the TimelineEvent.once property is true then the event is removed from the Timeline.

If the TimelineEvent.event property is set then the Timeline emits that event.

If the property is set then the Timeline invokes that method.

If the property is set then the Timeline invokes the run method on that target.


name type description
time number

The current time. Either a High Resolution Timer value if it comes from Request Animation Frame, or if using SetTimeout.

delta number

The delta time in ms since the last frame. This is a smoothed and capped value based on the FPS rate.

Since: 3.60.0
Source: src/time/Timeline.js (Line 218)