Phaser API Documentation

<static> ParseJSONTiled(name, source, insertNull)


Parses a Tiled JSON object into a new MapData object.


name type description
name string

The name of the tilemap, used to set the name on the MapData.

source object

The original Tiled JSON object. This is deep copied by this function.

insertNull boolean

Controls how empty tiles, tiles with an index of -1, in the map data are handled. If true, empty locations will get a value of null. If false, empty location will get a Tile object with an index of -1. If you've a large sparsely populated map and the tile data doesn't need to change then setting this value to true will help with memory consumption. However if your map is small or you need to update the tiles dynamically, then leave the default value set.


The created MapData object, or null if the data can't be parsed.

Since: 3.0.0