Phaser API Documentation

<static> GetTilesWithin(tileX, tileY, width, height, filteringOptions, layer)


Gets the tiles in the given rectangular area (in tile coordinates) of the layer.

This returns an array with references to the Tile instances in, so be aware of modifying them directly.


name type description
tileX number

The left most tile index (in tile coordinates) to use as the origin of the area.

tileY number

The top most tile index (in tile coordinates) to use as the origin of the area.

width number

How many tiles wide from the tileX index the area will be.

height number

How many tiles tall from the tileY index the area will be.

filteringOptions Phaser.Types.Tilemaps.FilteringOptions

Optional filters to apply when getting the tiles.

layer Phaser.Tilemaps.LayerData

The Tilemap Layer to act upon.


Array of Tile objects.

Since: 3.0.0