Phaser API Documentation

source: HTMLImageElement | HTMLCanvasElement | HTMLVideoElement | WebGLTexture | Phaser.GameObjects.RenderTexture | Phaser.Textures.DynamicTexture | Phaser.Types.Textures.CompressedTextureData


The source of the image data.

This is either an Image Element, a Canvas Element, a Video Element, a RenderTexture or a WebGLTexture.

In Phaser 3.60 and above it can also be a Compressed Texture data object.

HTMLImageElement | HTMLCanvasElement | HTMLVideoElement | WebGLTexture | Phaser.GameObjects.RenderTexture | Phaser.Textures.DynamicTexture | Phaser.Types.Textures.CompressedTextureData
Since: 3.12.0