Phaser API Documentation

batchDrawFrame(key, [frame], [x], [y], [alpha], [tint])


Use this method if you have already called beginDraw and need to batch draw a large number of texture frames to this Dynamic Texture.

This method batches the drawing of the given frames to this Dynamic Texture, without causing a WebGL bind or batch flush for each one.

It is faster than calling drawFrame, but you must be careful to manage the flow of code and remember to call endDraw(). If you don't need to draw large numbers of frames it's much safer and easier to use the drawFrame method instead.

The flow should be:

// Call once:

// repeat n times:
// or

// Call once:

Do not call any methods other than batchDraw, batchDrawFrame, or endDraw once you have started a batch. Also, be very careful not to destroy this Dynamic Texture while the batch is still open. Doing so will cause a run-time error in the WebGL Renderer.

You can use the DynamicTexture.isDrawing boolean property to tell if a batch is currently open, or not.

Textures are referenced by their string-based keys, as stored in the Texture Manager.

You can optionally provide a position, alpha and tint value to apply to the frame before it is drawn.


name type arguments Default description
key string

The key of the texture to be used, as stored in the Texture Manager.

frame string | number <optional>

The name or index of the frame within the Texture.

x number <optional> 0

The x position to draw the frame at.

y number <optional> 0

The y position to draw the frame at.

alpha number <optional> 1

The alpha value. Only used when drawing Texture Frames to this texture. Game Objects use their own alpha.

tint number <optional> 0xffffff

The tint color value. Only used when drawing Texture Frames to this texture. Game Objects use their own tint. WebGL only.


This Dynamic Texture instance.

Since: 3.50.0