Phaser API Documentation

addCollider(object1, object2, [collideCallback], [processCallback], [callbackContext])


Creates a new Collider object and adds it to the simulation.

A Collider is a way to automatically perform collision checks between two objects, calling the collide and process callbacks if they occur.

Colliders are run as part of the World update, after all of the Bodies have updated.

By creating a Collider you don't need then call World.collide in your update loop, as it will be handled for you automatically.


name type arguments description
object1 Phaser.Types.Physics.Arcade.ArcadeColliderType

The first object to check for collision.

object2 Phaser.Types.Physics.Arcade.ArcadeColliderType

The second object to check for collision.

collideCallback Phaser.Types.Physics.Arcade.ArcadePhysicsCallback <optional>

The callback to invoke when the two objects collide.

processCallback Phaser.Types.Physics.Arcade.ArcadePhysicsCallback <optional>

The callback to invoke when the two objects collide. Must return a boolean.

callbackContext * <optional>

The scope in which to call the callbacks.


The Collider that was created.

Since: 3.0.0