Phaser API Documentation

loadHandler([url], [noAudio], [crossOrigin], [stream])


Internal method that loads a Video from the given URL, ready for playback with the method.

Normally you don't call this method directly, but instead use the Video.loadURL method, or the Video.load method if you have preloaded the video.

Calling this method will skip checking if the browser supports the given format in the URL, where-as the other two methods enforce these checks.


name type arguments description
url string <optional>

The absolute or relative URL to load the video file from. Set to null if passing in a MediaStream object.

noAudio boolean <optional>

Does the video have an audio track? If not you can enable auto-playing on it.

crossOrigin string <optional>

The value to use for the crossOrigin property in the video load request. Either undefined, anonymous or use-credentials. If no value is given, crossorigin will not be set in the request.

stream string <optional>

A MediaStream object if this is playing a stream instead of a file.


This Video Game Object for method chaining.

Since: 3.60.0