Phaser API Documentation



Sets this Polygon to the given points.

The points can be set from a variety of formats:

  • A string containing paired values separated by a single space: '40 0 40 20 100 20 100 80 40 80 40 100 0 50'
  • An array of Point objects: [new Phaser.Point(x1, y1), ...]
  • An array of objects with public x/y properties: [obj1, obj2, ...]
  • An array of paired numbers that represent point coordinates: [x1,y1, x2,y2, ...]
  • An array of arrays with two elements representing x/y coordinates: [[x1, y1], [x2, y2], ...]

Calling this method will reset the size (width, height) and display origin of this Shape.

It also runs both GetAABB and EarCut on the given points, so please be careful not to do this at a high frequency, or with too many points.


name type arguments description
points string | Array.<number> | Array.<Phaser.Types.Math.Vector2Like> <optional>

Points defining the perimeter of this polygon. Please check function description above for the different supported formats.


This Game Object instance.

Since: 3.60.0