Phaser API Documentation

addWipe([wipeWidth], [direction], [axis])


Adds a Wipe effect.

The wipe or reveal effect is a visual technique that gradually uncovers or conceals elements in the game, such as images, text, or scene transitions. This effect is often used to create a sense of progression, reveal hidden content, or provide a smooth and visually appealing transition between game states.

You can set both the direction and the axis of the wipe effect. The following combinations are possible:

  • left to right: direction 0, axis 0
  • right to left: direction 1, axis 0
  • top to bottom: direction 1, axis 1
  • bottom to top: direction 1, axis 0

It is up to you to set the progress value yourself, i.e. via a Tween, in order to transition the effect.


name type arguments Default description
wipeWidth number <optional> 0.1

The width of the wipe effect. This value is normalized in the range 0 to 1.

direction number <optional> 0

The direction of the wipe effect. Either 0 or 1. Set in conjunction with the axis property.

axis number <optional> 0

The axis of the wipe effect. Either 0 or 1. Set in conjunction with the direction property.


The Wipe FX Controller.

Since: 3.60.0