Phaser API Documentation

stagger(value, config)


Creates a Stagger function to be used by a Tween property.

The stagger function will allow you to stagger changes to the value of the property across all targets of the tween.

This is only worth using if the tween has multiple targets.

The following will stagger the delay by 100ms across all targets of the tween, causing them to scale down to 0.2 over the duration specified:

    targets: [ ... ],
    scale: 0.2,
    ease: 'linear',
    duration: 1000,
    delay: this.tweens.stagger(100)

The following will stagger the delay by 500ms across all targets of the tween using a 10 x 6 grid, staggering from the center out, using a cubic ease.

    targets: [ ... ],
    scale: 0.2,
    ease: 'linear',
    duration: 1000,
    delay: this.tweens.stagger(500, { grid: [ 10, 6 ], from: 'center', ease: 'cubic.out' })


name type description
value number | Array.<number>

The amount to stagger by, or an array containing two elements representing the min and max values to stagger between.

config Phaser.Types.Tweens.StaggerConfig

The configuration object for the Stagger function.


The stagger function.

  • function
Since: 3.19.0