Phaser API Documentation

setTileLocationCallback([tileX], [tileY], [width], [height], [callback], [callbackContext])


Sets a collision callback for the given rectangular area (in tile coordinates) within the layer. If a callback is already set for the tile index it will be replaced. Set the callback to null to remove it.


name type arguments description
tileX number <optional>

The left most tile index (in tile coordinates) to use as the origin of the area.

tileY number <optional>

The top most tile index (in tile coordinates) to use as the origin of the area.

width number <optional>

How many tiles wide from the tileX index the area will be.

height number <optional>

How many tiles tall from the tileY index the area will be.

callback function <optional>

The callback that will be invoked when the tile is collided with.

callbackContext object <optional>

The context, or scope, under which the callback is invoked.


This Tilemap Layer object.

Since: 3.50.0