Phaser API Documentation

chain(composite, xOffsetA, yOffsetA, xOffsetB, yOffsetB, [options])


Chains all bodies in the given composite together using constraints.


name type arguments description
composite MatterJS.CompositeType

The composite in which all bodies will be chained together sequentially.

xOffsetA number

The horizontal offset of the BodyA constraint. This is a percentage based on the body size, not a world position.

yOffsetA number

The vertical offset of the BodyA constraint. This is a percentage based on the body size, not a world position.

xOffsetB number

The horizontal offset of the BodyB constraint. This is a percentage based on the body size, not a world position.

yOffsetB number

The vertical offset of the BodyB constraint. This is a percentage based on the body size, not a world position.

options Phaser.Types.Physics.Matter.MatterConstraintConfig <optional>

An optional Constraint configuration object that is used to set initial Constraint properties on creation.


The original composite that was passed to this method.

  • MatterJS.CompositeType
Since: 3.0.0