Phaser API Documentation

setDebug([graphic], [callback])


This method enables rendering of the Rope vertices to the given Graphics instance.

If you enable this feature, you must call Graphics.clear() in your Scene update, otherwise the Graphics instance you provide to debug will fill-up with draw calls, eventually crashing the browser. This is not done automatically to allow you to debug draw multiple Rope objects to a single Graphics instance.

The Rope class has a built-in debug rendering callback Rope.renderDebugVerts, however you can also provide your own callback to be used instead. Do this by setting the callback parameter.

The callback is invoked once per render and sent the following parameters:

callback(src, meshLength, verts)

src is the Rope instance being debugged. meshLength is the number of mesh vertices in total. verts is an array of the translated vertex coordinates.

If using your own callback you do not have to provide a Graphics instance to this method.

To disable debug rendering, to either your own callback or the built-in one, call this method with no arguments.


name type arguments description
graphic Phaser.GameObjects.Graphics <optional>

The Graphic instance to render to if using the built-in callback.

callback function <optional>

The callback to invoke during debug render. Leave as undefined to use the built-in callback.


This Game Object instance.

Since: 3.23.0