Phaser API Documentation

setOrtho([scaleX], [scaleY], [near], [far])


Builds a new orthographic projection matrix from the given values.

If using this mode you will often need to set Mesh.hideCCW to false as well.

By default, calling this method with no parameters will set the scaleX value to match the renderer's aspect ratio. If you would like to render vertex positions 1:1 to pixel positions, consider calling as mesh.setOrtho(mesh.width, mesh.height).

See also setPerspective.


name type arguments Default description
scaleX number <optional> 1

The default horizontal scale in relation to the Mesh / Renderer dimensions.

scaleY number <optional> 1

The default vertical scale in relation to the Mesh / Renderer dimensions.

near number <optional> -1000

The near value of the view.

far number <optional> 1000

The far value of the view.

Since: 3.50.0