Phaser API Documentation


Member of: Phaser.Actions

<static> PlaceOnEllipse(items, ellipse, [startAngle], [endAngle])


Takes an array of Game Objects and positions them on evenly spaced points around the perimeter of an Ellipse.

If you wish to pass a Phaser.GameObjects.Ellipse Shape to this function, you should pass its geom property.


name type arguments Default description
items array | Array.<Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject>

An array of Game Objects. The contents of this array are updated by this Action.

ellipse Phaser.Geom.Ellipse

The Ellipse to position the Game Objects on.

startAngle number <optional> 0

Optional angle to start position from, in radians.

endAngle number <optional> 6.28

Optional angle to stop position at, in radians.


The array of Game Objects that was passed to this Action.

Since: 3.0.0