Phaser API Documentation

name type arguments Default description
target string

The Scene key to transition to.

duration number <optional> 1000

The duration, in ms, for the transition to last.

sleep boolean <optional> false

Will the Scene responsible for the transition be sent to sleep on completion (true), or stopped? (false)

remove boolean <optional> false

Will the Scene responsible for the transition be removed from the Scene Manager after the transition completes?

allowInput boolean <optional> false

Will the Scenes Input system be able to process events while it is transitioning in or out?

moveAbove boolean <optional>

Move the target Scene to be above this one before the transition starts.

moveBelow boolean <optional>

Move the target Scene to be below this one before the transition starts.

onUpdate function <optional>

This callback is invoked every frame for the duration of the transition.

onUpdateScope any <optional>

The context in which the callback is invoked.

data any <optional>

An object containing any data you wish to be passed to the target scene's init / create methods (if sleep is false) or to the target scene's wake event callback (if sleep is true).

Since: 3.5.0