Phaser API Documentation

name type arguments Default description
showAxes boolean <optional> false

Render all of the body axes?

showAngleIndicator boolean <optional> false

Render just a single body axis?

angleColor number <optional> 0xe81153

The color of the body angle / axes lines.

showBroadphase boolean <optional> false

Render the broadphase grid?

broadphaseColor number <optional> 0xffb400

The color of the broadphase grid.

showBounds boolean <optional> false

Render the bounds of the bodies in the world?

boundsColor number <optional> 0xffffff

The color of the body bounds.

showVelocity boolean <optional> false

Render the velocity of the bodies in the world?

velocityColor number <optional> 0x00aeef

The color of the body velocity line.

showCollisions boolean <optional> false

Render the collision points and normals for colliding pairs.

collisionColor number <optional> 0xf5950c

The color of the collision points.

showSeparation boolean <optional> false

Render lines showing the separation between bodies.

separationColor number <optional> 0xffa500

The color of the body separation line.

showBody boolean <optional> true

Render the dynamic bodies in the world to the Graphics object?

showStaticBody boolean <optional> true

Render the static bodies in the world to the Graphics object?

showInternalEdges boolean <optional> false

When rendering bodies, render the internal edges as well?

renderFill boolean <optional> false

Render the bodies using a fill color.

renderLine boolean <optional> true

Render the bodies using a line stroke.

fillColor number <optional> 0x106909

The color value of the fill when rendering dynamic bodies.

fillOpacity number <optional> 1

The opacity of the fill when rendering dynamic bodies, a value between 0 and 1.

lineColor number <optional> 0x28de19

The color value of the line stroke when rendering dynamic bodies.

lineOpacity number <optional> 1

The opacity of the line when rendering dynamic bodies, a value between 0 and 1.

lineThickness number <optional> 1

If rendering lines, the thickness of the line.

staticFillColor number <optional> 0x0d177b

The color value of the fill when rendering static bodies.

staticLineColor number <optional> 0x1327e4

The color value of the line stroke when rendering static bodies.

showSleeping boolean <optional> false

Render any sleeping bodies (dynamic or static) in the world to the Graphics object?

staticBodySleepOpacity number <optional> 0.7

The amount to multiply the opacity of sleeping static bodies by.

sleepFillColor number <optional> 0x464646

The color value of the fill when rendering sleeping dynamic bodies.

sleepLineColor number <optional> 0x999a99

The color value of the line stroke when rendering sleeping dynamic bodies.

showSensors boolean <optional> true

Render bodies or body parts that are flagged as being a sensor?

sensorFillColor number <optional> 0x0d177b

The fill color when rendering body sensors.

sensorLineColor number <optional> 0x1327e4

The line color when rendering body sensors.

showPositions boolean <optional> true

Render the position of non-static bodies?

positionSize number <optional> 4

The size of the rectangle drawn when rendering the body position.

positionColor number <optional> 0xe042da

The color value of the rectangle drawn when rendering the body position.

showJoint boolean <optional> true

Render all world constraints to the Graphics object?

jointColor number <optional> 0xe0e042

The color value of joints when showJoint is set.

jointLineOpacity number <optional> 1

The line opacity when rendering joints, a value between 0 and 1.

jointLineThickness number <optional> 2

The line thickness when rendering joints.

pinSize number <optional> 4

The size of the circles drawn when rendering pin constraints.

pinColor number <optional> 0x42e0e0

The color value of the circles drawn when rendering pin constraints.

springColor number <optional> 0xe042e0

The color value of spring constraints.

anchorColor number <optional> 0xefefef

The color value of constraint anchors.

anchorSize number <optional> 4

The size of the circles drawn as the constraint anchors.

showConvexHulls boolean <optional> false

When rendering polygon bodies, render the convex hull as well?

hullColor number <optional> 0xd703d0

The color value of hulls when showConvexHulls is set.
