Phaser API Documentation

name type description
id string

The unique auto-generated collision pair id. A combination of the body A and B IDs.

bodyA MatterJS.BodyType

A reference to the first body involved in the collision.

bodyB MatterJS.BodyType

A reference to the second body involved in the collision.

activeContacts Array.<MatterJS.Vector>

An array containing all of the active contacts between bodies A and B.

separation number

The amount of separation that occured between bodies A and B.

isActive boolean

Is the collision still active or not?

confirmedActive boolean

Has Matter determined the collision are being active yet?

isSensor boolean

Is either body A or B a sensor?

timeCreated number

The timestamp when the collision pair was created.

timeUpdated number

The timestamp when the collision pair was most recently updated.

collision Phaser.Types.Physics.Matter.MatterCollisionData

The collision data object.

inverseMass number

The resulting inverse mass from the collision.

friction number

The resulting friction from the collision.

frictionStatic number

The resulting static friction from the collision.

restitution number

The resulting restitution from the collision.

slop number

The resulting slop from the collision.
