Phaser API Documentation


Member of: Phaser.Types.Core

name type arguments Default description
keyboard boolean | Phaser.Types.Core.KeyboardInputConfig <optional> true

Keyboard input configuration. true uses the default configuration and false disables keyboard input.

mouse boolean | Phaser.Types.Core.MouseInputConfig <optional> true

Mouse input configuration. true uses the default configuration and false disables mouse input.

touch boolean | Phaser.Types.Core.TouchInputConfig <optional> true

Touch input configuration. true uses the default configuration and false disables touch input.

gamepad boolean | Phaser.Types.Core.GamepadInputConfig <optional> false

Gamepad input configuration. true enables gamepad input.

activePointers number <optional> 1

The maximum number of touch pointers. See Phaser.Input.InputManager#pointers.

smoothFactor number <optional> 0

The smoothing factor to apply during Pointer movement. See Phaser.Input.Pointer#smoothFactor.

windowEvents boolean <optional> true

Should Phaser listen for input events on the Window? If you disable this, events like 'POINTER_UP_OUTSIDE' will no longer fire.

Since: 3.0.0