Phaser API Documentation

setPoints([points], [colors], [alphas])


Sets the points used by this Rope.

The points should be provided as an array of Vector2, or vector2-like objects (i.e. those with public x/y properties).

Each point corresponds to one segment of the Rope. The more points in the array, the more segments the rope has.

Point coordinates are given in local-space, not world-space, and are directly related to the size of the texture this Rope object is using.

For example, a Rope using a 512 px wide texture, split into 4 segments (128px each) would use the following points:

  { x: 0, y: 0 },
  { x: 128, y: 0 },
  { x: 256, y: 0 },
  { x: 384, y: 0 }

Or, you can provide an integer to do the same thing:


Which will divide the Rope into 4 equally sized segments based on the frame width.

Note that calling this method with a different number of points than the Rope has currently will reset the color and alpha values, unless you provide them as arguments to this method.


name type arguments Default description
points number | Array.<Phaser.Types.Math.Vector2Like> <optional> 2

An array containing the vertices data for this Rope, or a number that indicates how many segments to split the texture frame into. If none is provided a simple quad is created.

colors number | Array.<number> <optional>

Either a single color value, or an array of values.

alphas number | Array.<number> <optional>

Either a single alpha value, or an array of values.


This Game Object instance.

Since: 3.23.0