Phaser API Documentation


Member of: Phaser.Actions

<static> SetScrollFactor(items, scrollFactorX, [scrollFactorY], [stepX], [stepY], [index], [direction])


Takes an array of Game Objects, or any objects that have the public properties scrollFactorX and scrollFactorY and then sets them to the given values.

The optional stepX and stepY properties are applied incrementally, multiplied by each item in the array.

To use this with a Group: SetScrollFactor(group.getChildren(), scrollFactorX, scrollFactorY, stepX, stepY)


name type arguments Default description
items array | Array.<Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject>

The array of items to be updated by this action.

scrollFactorX number

The amount to set the scrollFactorX property to.

scrollFactorY number <optional>

The amount to set the scrollFactorY property to. If undefined or null it uses the scrollFactorX value.

stepX number <optional> 0

This is added to the scrollFactorX amount, multiplied by the iteration counter.

stepY number <optional> 0

This is added to the scrollFactorY amount, multiplied by the iteration counter.

index number <optional> 0

An optional offset to start searching from within the items array.

direction number <optional> 1

The direction to iterate through the array. 1 is from beginning to end, -1 from end to beginning.


The array of objects that were passed to this Action.

Since: 3.21.0