Phaser API Documentation

rotateTo(radians, [shortestPath], [duration], [ease], [force], [callback], [context])


This effect will rotate the Camera so that the viewport finishes at the given angle in radians, over the duration and with the ease specified.


name type arguments Default description
radians number

The destination angle in radians to rotate the Camera viewport to. If the angle is positive then the rotation is clockwise else anticlockwise

shortestPath boolean <optional> false

If shortest path is set to true the camera will rotate in the quickest direction clockwise or anti-clockwise.

duration number <optional> 1000

The duration of the effect in milliseconds.

ease string | function <optional> 'Linear'

The ease to use for the rotation. Can be any of the Phaser Easing constants or a custom function.

force boolean <optional> false

Force the rotation effect to start immediately, even if already running.

callback CameraRotateCallback <optional>

This callback will be invoked every frame for the duration of the effect. It is sent four arguments: A reference to the camera, a progress amount between 0 and 1 indicating how complete the effect is, the current camera rotation angle in radians.

context any <optional>

The context in which the callback is invoked. Defaults to the Scene to which the Camera belongs.


This Camera instance.

Since: 3.23.0
Source: src/cameras/2d/Camera.js (Line 440)